Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ's

1What are the services Premium Technologies Premium Technologies Private Limited providing?
Premium Technologies Premium Technologies Private Limited works with the organizations worldwide to provide them with software development and web development solutions and services. Broadly, we provide the following services :
Mobile Application Development
iPhone Application Development
Web Development
Web Designing
Web Redesign and Maintenance
E-Commerce Solutions
E-commerce Website Design
E-commerce Web Development
Logo Design
Brand Identity
Software Development
Internet Marketing and SEO
Open Source Customization - Mambo, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, OsCommerce etc
2What is the exact location of Premium Technologies Premium Technologies Private Limited Web and Software Development Center?
3What are the working hours of Premium Technologies Private Limited ?
Premium Technologies Premium Technologies Private Limited works 24 hours in a day and 7 days a week.
4How can I communicate with Premium Technologies Premium Technologies Private Limited ?
5What is the strength of Premium Technologies Private Limited ?
We currently have Extensive Team of experienced professionals in our web and software development center in United Kingdom , Pakistan , United States and Estonia
6What type of a team doesPremium Technologies Private Limited have?
At Premium Technologies Private Limited, we have a team of bright, knowledgeable and talented professionals with experience. Most of our developers/programmers are Engineering Graduates with Masters in Computer Application. Our team includes highly skilled Software Architects, Software Engineers and Developers, our assemblage features System analyst, Web Graphic Designers, Quality Assurance Analysts, Document Writers, Network Engineers, Management, Finance & Administrative Experts and Business Development Managers.

Project Design & Development

1What makes Premium Technologies Private Limited unique?
Knowledge, Professionalism, reliability, quality and flexibility combined with very low prices.
2What are your standard Terms and Conditions?
Once a contract has been signed, we issue an invoice made according to the Payment Schedule, which is a part of the Project Plan approved by you. Usually invoices are paid by any payment methods
3How can I be assured that I am not wasting my time and money?
You can refer to our Software Development Methodology / Process. If you still have any questions, problem concerns, you can contact us . We will spend as much time as needed to explain, provide additional information or make a testing, make a model plan with no extra fees or charges. We can also provide with some required suggestions.
4How can I trust your productivity and charges to me?
Our development process of website or software is transparent. You can monitor every phase of development. The complete scope of the work is defined at the initial phase of development and approved by you. Anything that you don’t like can be changed very soon. And last but not least, we are interested in diverse client list and long-term relationship with them. Isn’t it enough?
5Can I first get a rough idea about the cost of my project?
Yes, no doubts. Just contact us or use Request for Quote Form.
6Can I try your services before giving you an important and big Project?
Yes, you can request us to do a pilot or model, testing project. We will do it with minimal payment or even with free of charge in case of successful completion. But it all depends on how “big” a project is.
7What should I provide you to create a proposal?
Generally technical documentation, specifications, and design documents about your project we need for. But in case that you are not technical person and don’t know anything about how to develop you just contact us we Premium Technologies Private Limited will ask questions to determine what is needed from you to create a proposal.
8What do you expect from client during the project?
Your involvement in the project is essential. In general you need to provide whatever technical and business specifications you have, to answer questions in a reasonable time, and to provide prompt, honest, and thorough feedback on software releases. Still the exact nature of the involvement of client depends greatly on the type of project.
9Do you provide post-development support?
Yes, we do support all software we design and deliver on the basis of a separate support/maintenance contracts. This generally includes bug tracking and fixing. Feature enhancements and developments are handled as separate contracts. We track all post maintenance requests, issues, bugs, etc. We also provide maintenance or redesign of web or software developed by other vendors.
10How can I be sure of security from competitors?
We have confidentiality agreement with each and every team member. This confidentiality is also validated through the existing laws. Most importantly, our team consists of skilled professionals, who would not risk their career or professional integrity by misusing a customer's code.
11What kinds of guarantee do I get about the work?
We give you a one-month of warranty after the final delivery for all bug-fixing, etc. After the warranty period, we sign a separate monthly or quarterly support/maintenance contract with you, so that you continue to get ongoing support.
12How does Premium Technologies Private Limitedprotect confidentiality?
Before a initiating a project, Premium Technologies Private Limited signs a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the client. Under this agreement, we keep the client and project-related information in strict confidence. Any references or client’s web or software development project details are not revealed without the prior approval of the client. We also have a Non Disclosure agreement with our employees so that the confidential information of the client will not be shared or leaked to any external entity.
13Can you provide references of your clients?
Yes, we can provide you with our client references. We have built solid relationships with our clients by helping them meet their business objectives and providing services and support whenever required. Our clients suggest our name to the other companies for cost effective, high quality and on time web and software development.
14How do you ensure quality of services to your clients?
At Premium Technologies Private Limited, we have adopted a quality framework standard. Quality at Premium Technologies Private Limited is a continuous process. Quality is a culture for us. Our processes are derived from industry standard practices and have been customized to suit the requirements of offshore development.